Happy Mardi Gras!
Sorry for the delay in not updating the blog recently folks! My search for sufficient income on the internet has lead me to find gainful employment in the real world. I am now working security for a bar here in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The cool part is it is just in time for Mardi Gras! While I cannot advocate this as a legitimate way of making money on the internet, you would be surprized at how much money people can drop on the floor while at a bar. I personally have not found the mother load yet (only $1.75 so far), my coworkers tend to head home each night with around $40-$100 just off of "ground score"! The highest I have heard was one lucky guy who found an envelope with $600 cash in it. Now I must say if it was in an envelope, I would have to leave that with my manager! And in the meantime, I am drawn back to my quest to making some serious cash on the internet.
It seems a few people have stumbled across the blog and liked it. Thanks to those who have responded and I will get your links up this week as I get back to my computer. An unfortunate incident led me to reformat my hard drive and reinstall Windows -- again, I cannot advocate this for ANYONE. It was a severe pain in the rump! But I am back and wanted to tell you all something I think was excited and most unexpected.
You all hear me talk about ChaCha pretty often. It's the social search engine that I work on as an independant contractor. For starters it was just a way to make some extra change while I surfed. It only starts at $5 per search hour. But after a few searches (and I mean only a few if you follow my hints and guides) you become a "Master" and get to add people to your "network". I took great pride in training my network and making sure they succeeded. I do have a few deadbeats who swore they wanted to do this then did no searches at all. But I forgive them (maybe... hehe). Anyway, when you have your own network you make 1% of your network earnings. Doesn't sound like much huh? Well, with only seven active guides in my network and it seems they work a only a few hours a week, I was surprized that once I got the computer up and running I had $15 sitting in my account. I was only down about five days and it got me to thinking. WOW... this could be a REAL money maker if I got some good guides who were willing to put in the work to reach Master and do a few searches a week.
Then there is this groovy incentive that they started where you get your friends to download the ChaCha toolbar. If they do 20 searches on the toolbar, you get $1. So I also found I had another $30 from that! WOO HOO! I must admit, I put the toolbar on every computer I had at home and my job. But it works!
I cannot say enough about ChaCha. They just updated our application that we use to help searchers. It allows us to keep favorites just like any browser. Then we can send our favorite links to searchers. Now if you are money savy like I am you can see the HUGE benefit of this. I have a few affiliate programs for web hosting. So when I get a search for web hosting, guess what links I send? I also set up an affiliate account with amazon and bizrate.com. So when people are shopping around for something, I go to a special little blog I keep with an amazon and bizrate search toolbar, type in what they are looking for and send the results page to them. If they buy, I win again! Get create with ChaCha and you could make a ton. It's also a GREAT way to promote your own websites on a search engine without having to buy into their ad programs! Once I get a bit more organized, I will keep track of all that I earn from ChaCha and let you guys know as I go along.
In the meantime, if you would like to be a guide, send me some email at tysites@gmail.com and let me know why you want to be a guide and what ideas you have to promote yourself or ChaCha. I only have a few invites that I can give at a time so you have to be serious and please be willing to work pretty decently (probably around 30 hours) to set up your account, choose keywords, get trainined, and then start making some money. If you can committ to that, I will make myself available via instant messenger or phone (I've got another great Skype idea I just found and will tell you about in another post).
And if you have any great money making ideas, please send them. I am about to expand this blog into it's own website complete with forum and would like some serious input so I can choose some moderators! Hope you all are well and Happy Mardi Gras!