
Nov 26, 2007

Stop pop-ups with Stopzilla

If you aren't satisfied with the pop-up blocker that comes with your browser, maybe it's time to try STOPzilla. It's more than just a pop-up blocker. It also gives you real-time monitoring of spyware and can provide you with instant quarantine of suspected files. It's a pretty great deal at only 19.99 for a one year subscription which also gets you free customer support throughout the year. It might be the way to go if you are looking to consolidate some of those programs you already have that are detecting spyware for you! Check them out by clicking the link here for your new popup blocker!

Fun and decent payout!

I recently discovered and have been having quite a bit of fun over there. The concept is a simple one that keeps getting more and more readers daily. Simply write an article about how to do something... anything. The site has great wizards that talk you through the simple steps of writing an eHow article. Once you've added pictures (if you choose) and perfected the article, just submit it. Wondering "e"how you would make money? You get paid per page view. Write about something seasonal and your earnings can go way up! I wrote two Halloween articles and actually didn't even promote them. The profit? $15.43! Kinda nifty for doing nothing really. Payouts are monthly via PayPal and have been extremely reliable. What's more is that after only a few articles I keep getting asked to write more for higher payouts. They keep offering me $50 to write 10 articles. Check them out and see my profile by clicking below!