
Apr 6, 2007

Make money with ChaCha: Agent!

So, you've thought about working as a paid guide for Maybe you decided it wasn't the type of thing you would like to do (of course you tried a few searches with a guide first -- how else would you know what a guide did). Your friends have kept no secrets when it comes to the serious money they are pulling in being a guide for . Now is your chance to cash in with ChaCha: Agent.

ChaCha: Agent is a promotion designed to turn people on to the whole ChaCha experience. At first the program required you to ask others to download a toolbar. Who wanted that? My browser is already too full. But the ChaCha gods smiled upon us and now each Agent is given a web page with four options to encourage users to try ChaCha -- and you DON'T have to be a guide to participate and earn! You can check out my page here (please). Once you get visitors to that page and have them perform only twenty searches using one of the options, you get $1. Get fifty of your people to do that... you get paid $100 payable by the end of April. And there is more... $250 to the top Agent!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up to be an Agent here.
But first... please perform twenty quick searches for me (hey, I'll beg -- I do live in post-Katrina New Orleans... so click here and search PLEASE... thanks)! You guys rock!

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