
Jul 29, 2007 means "Thank You" for the cash!

For those in the know, ChaCha is a "people-powered" search engine where InfoSeekers can search the internet and receive pages of links that you have to sift four or five pages deep to get on the major search engines. If those results don't work for you, you can also search with a live Guide (like me) who will help you find the results you need. I have been a paid Guide for ChaCha for some time now and will readily admit that the company is struggling. It seems I spend more and more time waiting to receive a search than I used to. I ran across an awesome money making opportunity just a few days ago while I was reading the forum for The forum mods were slamming a site that was claiming to be the first people-powered search engine. Regardless of who came first, is winning hands down in their ability to pay top dollars to their part-time guides.

As a Guide at you would prepare SeRPs (Search Results Pages) on a huge variety of search topics then submit the pages for review. A Community Manager reviews your SeRP and answers back within 24 hours after you receive a confirmation email. If your SeRP gets approved you earn $10-15. To become a Guide you only need to input a few pieces of personal information. Don't worry about those lengthy applications some sites have with questions like, "Tell us why you want to make money writing for us." After you register as a new Guide you prepare and submit one SeRP. It's actually quite easy but do take the time to read everything first and make definate use of the templates available. When your first SeRP is approved you can then work on a total of up to five SeRPs at a time. It didn't take me too long to complete the SeRP after I understood the markup language. There is even a spiffy FireFox addon to make things easier for you. Payment via PayPal seals the deal on -- not sure if it's the first, but it is definately the BEST people-powered search engine. Check ya there!

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