
May 26, 2007

Who wants to be an Internet millionaire??

Find out more about a new reality show that I will hopefully get a chance to be a part of. I am going to be putting up an audition video this week and will be asking all of you to vote for me. Read on to find out what the deal is...

May 24, 2007

A great big help to Blogger Blogs

I recently found this blog appropriately entitled "Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta" and have used it extensively. It has helped me "hack" all kinds of code for this blog. Don't worry. If you are a new blogger and the word "hack" scares you, this only refers to manipulating the code in your blogger template. This site covers everything for the beginner and then some!

Thanks to the author of this site for compiling everything that I needed to know about how to easily spice up my blog. A good example is how you got to this posting. In the normal blogger format, all posts are published in their entirety on the main page. Thanks to a handy bit of coding provided by the "Dummies Guide", I was able to publish just a few lines of each posting followed by a "Read More" link which took you to the entire posting. Learn all of these tricks and more! I have this bookmarked and use it lots (trust me... LOTS)!

SEO got you down?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the latest talk on any blog about increasing traffic. It means making your website or blog the best that it can posibly be for search engines like Google to recognize the site and give it a decent ranking. Of course it makes sense that the higher ranking your site receives, the more website traffic is bound to follow. But this can often mean endless hours of formatting and reformatting your site or blog. This process is difficult enough for the experienced, but for us newbies, it can be down right tricky and time consuming. Enter a website optimization firm. Besides giving you some great free advice under its "Increase Web Traffic" page, the site even offers to do the hard work of SEO for you!

Take a second to look around their site and you will see that everything you need to brand your web site, your product, or yourself is here. You can get a free quote on your existing website or even take advantage of their blogging service. This service sets you up with your own blog software on your own domain ( PLUS it is all optimized for you! Forget the pains of SEO and the hours of painful research. Let these experts help you out if you need the extra boost!

May 18, 2007

New look and new goals!

Over the next few days, I hope you will notice the changes that I am putting into this blog. First is the obvious visual change and a few more to come. Hopefully it it will be more eye appealing. I am also playing around with the sidebar a bit to make it more user friendly and relevant. I am going to be adding some new labels that will make the blog easier to use and will allow me to incorporate some other blog information I think would be beneficial to you guys. I am fooling around with and affiliate manager and as soon as that is programed, you can count on monthly updates on earnings from my efforts! I am also going to start a category which will be for "other" offers and such. Lots of the paid programs I am using are now interested in having links and reviews to things which do not directly fit in the scope of the blog. They do however fit indirectly since the entire point of the blog is about making money. I will write these reviews or post the links and let you know my experiences with them as I go! So please, link to me and I will link to you! Let's share some information and make some cash in the process!

Don't forget, you can review this post via the PayPerPost button below and make $7.50!

May 11, 2007

Make the lowest bid - win the prize!

Another cool site that I was introduced to today was Bid4Prizes. It's an auction site where you can bid to win awesome prizes like plasma TV's, jewelry, and more. But what makes this site so addictive is that the lowest UNIQUE bid wins. I found this a bit confusing at first so I found something that I liked and tried it out. After registering I found this awesome Apple iPhone that I wanted and bid 24 cents. If my bid of 24 cents is the lowest unique bid, I win. What that means is if two people bid 1 cent then the lowest unique bid is 2 cents... and so on. There is an option to play via your cell phone but I chose the free option to play bid4prizes online! Stay tuned to see if I win!
lowest bid

May 5, 2007

The motherload of all pay to surf programs!

I ran across SlashMySearch a few weeks ago and honestly paid it no mind as they were not paying then. Well guys, they have started to pay and I do not think anything could be easier. You get paid just to search and surf. You can get a free email account from them and get paid to use it too! Check them out. This one is a don't miss!

May 4, 2007

Build a killer menu without all the pain!

So, you've spent lots of time researching and learning the latest content management systems (okay, maybe just I have). You've programed your site and put together something that you think can stand up to the best on the web. Make your site really stand out with a menu that pops! AllWebMenus can help you design a DHTML or JavaScript menu without having to know the programing langage!

Likno software has put together a fool proof plan to help you design pop-up and drop down menus without having to know a lick of coding or programing language! AllWebMenus will make your site stand out and get the extra recognition it needs. Once you have chosen the type of menu you want to build, take only a few minutes to customize it to your liking. That's it! AllWebMenus generates the code that you need to make your site work with any browser. Want a professional head start? Pick from any of the 100 templates that are included with the program. Not enough? Add on packs are available to offer more choices.

The software is an easy download and you can even take it out for a trial drive if you aren't sure it' for you. While you are clicking around, be sure to check out another of my favorites, the Web Button Maker. Thanks Likno and thanks AllWebMenus for making it so easy to make my site great looking without all the effort!

May 3, 2007

Win free stuff and have fun!

This post is a bit off topic but I received the opportunity to write about it through one of my programs. Most of the opportunities I get are outside the scope of this blog and I honestly pass them by (lots of insurance companies, drug rehabilitation, etc.). Every so often I do run across a site that I just think is really cool and I feel the need to pass it on. So please don't shun me for not writing about making money with your blog or website. I am sure you will love

WhoGets is an Online sweepstakes contest that is also an interactive gameshow of sorts! Besides a really great layout that begs you to explore the site, WhoGets "gets" you from the beginning. It's a simple contest site with a twist. A quick registration gets you active on the site. One of the first things you will want to do is go to your account and complete the information there (address, phone number, etc.). Once you have done that, browse the contests that are available under "Join Contests". See something you like? Click "Enter" and type up to 100 words about why you should receive the prize. When the "semi-final" round closes, seven entries will be picked at random. Those seven will then enter the "final" round where other users can vote on who should recieve the prize. Get the most votes by the end of the contest and you win the prize! Groovy isn't it! Check out and vote for me if I make it to the finals!

Blogs with awesome layouts!

Over in my sidebar you will see a link to blogs that I read regularly or that I recommend. I have decided to begin a few new posts to let you guys know a bit more about those. These posts will be updated with a bit of information about the sites and I will add to them frequently so you may see them quite a bit. If you have a site that you would like me to check out and add to a list, by all means email me or leave me some feedback! Hope to read ya soon!

Blogs with awesome layouts!

Simple Kind of Life - Awesome colors and simple, uncluttered design by work-at-home mom Colleen.

Be prepared for your "downtime".

I learned a valuable lesson this week regarding writing in my blog and I think I may have a solution. Admittedly, this is my first attempt at blogging to create income. The income so far hasn't been too disappointing as my readership is still a bit lower than what I would like to see it (hint hint... please subscribe to my fee or link to me for a link back). But this week I got sick and wasn't able to blog at length.

There may be other times (other than being sick) that you may not be available for blogging. Maybe you are going on vacation and won't have access to the internet for a while. Or maybe you want to do anything else but blog on your vacation. One thing that I have learned in my ventures so far is that you must provide consistent and relevant material to your readers in order to keep them coming back and coming back regularly. This can wear you down sometimes and maybe writing is the last thig you want to do. You need a break.

So I realized it is important to have a back-up plan for those times that you may not be able to post to your blog. You do have several options and I would love to hear from readers if anyone else has ideas for posting in your "down" time. Here are the few that I thought of...

Write ahead of time. Take the time to write an article or two that will be ready to post just by a few clicks of a button. Either write it as a document or (better yet) save it as a DRAFT in your blogging program. It should be completely edited and ready to go. You will probably want it to be something that is relevant to your blog at anytime. For example, if your blog is about animals, I wouldn't draft an article about the latest dog food poisoning updates as this would require frequent updating and could become outdated (hopefully) soon. Instead pick a topic that would be relevant at anytime. You may even decide to head it with a disclaimer that you are away from your computer and offer this article in your absence.

Post-date your post. Some programs or blogging sites will allow you the option of posting your articles at a later date or time. Rather than immediately posting your article, you could space them out over a period of time. This is especially helpful when you are writing in a series of articles and want to have your content continue without interruption. Let's say you are writing about how to make a million dollars in seven days and are posting one post for each of the seven days. You could type all of the articles ahead of time and set the publishing date to publish an article every other day. If you don't have this option, consider drafting them all first as I mentioned above. Then all you need is a quick click or two while on vacation to publish!

Have a friend publish for you. If you have a friend who you trust to write content and publish in your blog, this is always an option. This would require that you completely trust the person as you will need to add them as an author to your blog.

Pull some content from a free content site. This isn't a favorite method of mine because it did not take me too long to learn that your own content is better than reposts of others. In fact, the only time you will see me use others content from now own will be as an inclusion of my own posts. But if you are pressed to post and don't feel creative, this it is better to pull some free content than let your blog suffer.

If all else fails, be honest. It's better to post a simple "sorry I don't feel well" or "I'm on vacation" quick message that lets your readers know you haven't abandoned them.

Remember that sometimes you may need a break or may not be up to the task of creating that wonderful content that you have been known for. And alot of programs that will pay you to blog require that you make regular entries into your blog. So having a back-up plan should be somewhere on your list of things to work on. I am sure some readers have wonderful ideas so please comment and leave them here! I would love to share them with other readers. And let me know if you think my ideas stink. I've still got alot to learn and would be grateful for the feedback!