
Apr 28, 2007

MyLot makes major improvements!

MyLot now lets members post their blogs in the paid community! I just posted my blog there and am waiting to see the pay-off. Besides the large community of users (some 83,000 and counting), MyLot pays users to participate in discussions, rating content, posting pictures and more! I am not sure if the blog posts will add to the income but I will keep you posted! Check out my myLot User Profile. Why not sign up and make me your friend? See you at MyLot!

Apr 21, 2007

Pay-per-post has BIG surprizes coming!

Pay-per-post is the high paying website that I have fallen in love with. They have been the most productive site for me as far as pay-for-blogging goes and getting paid to review online ads. Now the site is buzzing with anticipation over an aquisition that will be officially announced in a few days. If you haven't gotten a chance to check them out,head on over to and just look around the home page. Take a few seconds to register then checkout the dashboard. Their top users for the month are rolling in the dough! This blog is only beginning to grow but the opportunities I have been given so far make me rush home right after a full day of work just to find out what is waiting for me in my inbox!

If you haven't tried your hand at, why not try reviewing this post? Just click the "Get Paid to Review My Post" button below. You'll get paid for reviewing my post right off the top! Then, if you choose to post the same button on your blog, you will be paid each time a new user signs up and reviews your post! It's the most awesome affiliate referal program that I have found and you get some honest feedback about your blog! So please, if you aren't already a member, click the blue button below and review this post for everyone else to read AND get paid while doing it!

Social networking on Gather earns money (I think)!

So as I began writing this blog and refocusing my entire dream of opening an online store (a task still not accomplished) I was checking out the experienced bloggers who all seemed to recommend joining social network sites. I have done the deed and joined the likes of Stumble Upon,, and others. I forgot how I "stumbled" upon Gather but it is definately worth checking out. It is seems that some of the groups are rather small but the site has an awesome layout and great potential for growth. Why? Participation gets you "points" to buy CDs, DVDs, and more. I haven't earned any yet since I just got time to scan the site today. Here's the kicker that got me to bring this to my blog -- if you make a certain amount of points in a month then you receive cash instead! Kind of awesome isn't it? Check it out by clicking below!

Keep informed on! Content ranges from politics to cooking, and we earn Gather Points™ or cash for using the site!View my content here: tyinquarter

Apr 19, 2007

Online checklists - Let's get started

I cannot count the endless hours I spent on my attention deficit medication writing lists of things to do for my blogs and websites. Tons of to-do lists covered my desk and floor. I found Website To Dos today...and thought I would pass it on. The site is simple and clear. The simple layout of the page makes it easy to understand. Click on a task and you will be taken to another page which gives you pointers and tips. I see lots of room for this site to grow (logins to track your progress, more items in to-do lists) and will definately check back often to see what it has to offer.

Apr 17, 2007

Get paid to blog with no limits!

I was searching for an alternative or compliment to my AdSense advertising when a friend told me that his business pays to advertise on blogs. I did a search and found quite a few. I figured I would try them out and post my experiences here! First up... matches bloggers with advertisers who are willing to pay...the author for mentioning their site when they post about the advertiser's site or product. Sounds like a few other sites out there right? Wrong! Here are the highlights.

Getting your blog approved:
Your blog must be indexed by Google and Yahoo, older than 3 months, and not contain any violent, hate related or adult content.
Your blog must be active and have a history of minimum average 2 new posts per week.

Smorty rocks:
You can reserve your chosen assignments for up to 72 hours (1 hour at other sites)!
Your Smorty rank gets you more assignments as it rises!
There are no limits to the number of assignments you can complete or reserve!
An clean, neat website makes advertiser requirements clear!
Payment is made every week via PayPal!

Check out and let me know what you think. I am excited about getting paid every week -- a perk I found nowhere else. Look for more posts in the coming weeks as I try out and become a millionaire!

Apr 14, 2007

Z-List helps you build links and traffic.

Just today I was reading my favorite blog at and needed to take a few minutes to say thanks for all of the great information Maki! If you haven't checked them out I think you are missing a large money making opportunity even if you have been doing this for years. Today I just dug around the site and had my eye caught by a nifty blog called Z-List. The idea was to give the smaller and less known blogs the power they needed to rank decently through their backlinks. What's all that mean? You can list you blog with all of the search engines you want (heck, I even fell for a few of those "Free 10,000 search engine submissions"). The truth is until other blogs link to yours and vice-versa, your ranking will stay low. Not any more!

It is easy to use the Z-List. First, copy this list below. The Z-List is a bit older now so the list is long but that will help with the backlinks. Second, start a new post on your blog and paste the list of links within the post. Last step. Add your link to the bottom of the list and publish. Simple, easy, quick, but most important -- links, links, LINKS!

Makes you think, what?
Manufacturing a meme to challenge traffic-driving and a hope for ...
The impact of blogging
The Chain Gang
Marketing hotlist
The Z List : A little-known way of getting free blog traffic and ...
Link Love for Emerging/Missional Church Bloggers
The Z List
Z-List Meme
Nel mondo fatato di internet … ma sticazzi!
Z-list,the another way to increase your traffic
A Thinking Award: Who'da Thunk It?
The blog links...A Chain of Bloggers - Z-lists
A Cesare quello che è di Cesare
Awaken to a Jump of 1000000+ on Technorati
Z-List Updated....
The Z-List Explained
The Blogging Z-List
What I did to get a higher ranking at Technorati?
Z-List (EDIT)
Gioco in serie Z
I Made the Z-List!
Spread the love
55 Pineapples for NYE, Laid-Back Edition
The Z-Listers
Start Building Sites That Pay!

Apr 13, 2007

You earned it... now what?

This post may seem a bit off topic since I am writing about how to make money on the internet. But what do you with that money you made? You work hard all day blogging, researching, coding, designing -- and this is only a hobby! Finally it all begins to pay off for you and you are making millions. I know you can sense the sarcasm already. Sure I am working hard blogging, researching, and everything that goes with it. Unfortunately the cash is still small and I am on a post-Katrina budget. I was amazed when I checked out

I do my everyday shopping at the local markets here in New Orleans but for larger purchases (i.e. my laptop parts, tv, desktop) I have always used the internet. The great deals have just gotten better because I found The site boasts over 1,000 stores that provide an online coupon code to use when shopping online. The online coupons range from everything like Dell computers to free shipping at Target. The one that really caught my eye was for $10 off a $99 purchase at How cheap would that really be? Overstock is already one of the greatest deal stores I have found online. The coupon codes that were listed for only got better as I clicked. I am broke already just thinking about it!

Apr 11, 2007

Disclosure Policy of this blog.

This policy is valid from 11 April 2007

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

To get your own policy, go to

Amazon goes beta with new Contextual Links

Let's face it. Ad publishing was all the rage for some time and provided an easy way to earn lots of money for those fortunate enough to have the insight to get in on the craze early. Maybe it is just me but it seems that it did not take long for those ugly little square ads to become quite annoying. Perhaps this is not a function of the ads themselves but rather every site that I visited and could not find the information I was looking for through all of those ads. Even now as web designers and bloggers have streamlined their ad publishing, I hardly ever (if ever) click on an ad or banner any more. But I have found myself drawn to contextual ads and the items they advertise. The definition of "contextual ads" as posted on Webopedia...

"Advertising on a Web site that is targeted to the specific individual who is visiting the Web site. A contextual ad system scans the text of a Web site for keywords and returns ads to the Web page based on what the user is viewing, either through ads placed on the page or pop-up ads."

Now has entered the market of contextual links. What sets this apart from other programs? Amazon already offers an endless variety of products at some pretty great prices but using the other types of links and programs would probably provide readers with tons of books on writing blog, designing sites, etc. Pretty boring if you ask me. Contexual links offer more variety and more links without being obtrustive. Even though the program is less than a month old for Amazon, contextual links provided by other sites like Google and Kontera have been used very successfully by many bloggers and web designers.

I will be installing the code for the contextual links sometime today on this blog. Check them out and let me know what you think please! Happy surfing!

Apr 10, 2007

DormCheck - A Fun and Simple Paid-to-Post Forum

I was a member of myLot who got extremely discouraged with the lack of income generated by my participation in the site. One of my friends on that list sent me a link to Dorm Check. If you like to chat in forums and want to make a bit of extra cash, check it out. It's simple and really fun. Sign up does not take long at all (no lengthy paragraphs to fill out about your favorite tree or what kind of animal you would be). Then it is just a matter of posting discussions in the forum, replying to others, posting pictures, videos, the list goes on. Be sure to check out the "Cash Zone" where you can visit some sponsor links and rack up on the change. Dorm Check pays via paypal and is by no means a wealth of cash. It has replaced myLot for me however because they strive to keep things simple! I hope you like it! Look me up on the site -- tyinquarter!

Apr 9, 2007

Get paid to write just about anything!

I had signed up for Associated Content quite a while back and honestly only submitted one article. It was in the beginnings of my "I wanna make money" phase of setting up my web site and this blog. The article didn't get approved. Teaches me to write a brief review of a website for a "content" provider. A recent email I received from Associated Content has me thinking about what I can write and maybe you should too. Read on past the banner!

First, write about what you know and the topics YOU choose! A quick search around the site reveals how-to's on just about everything, reviews of products, and hometown references. Next, submit your content to the web site. If the article is accepted, your initial payment is $3 - $20 typically. The newest incentive includes a performance bonus based on the number of visits to your content! Then all there is to do is watch the money come in (and some self promotion in blogs wouldn't hurt either).

If you are unsure of what to write or need some tips, the site is full of tutorials, hints, forum pages and more. Be sure to check out the tools page and the contests page. Associated Content is recommended on lots of other sites and I have spoken to quite a few people who swear by this site for making extra money. I am definately about to add some content and will update everyone when it posts. Until then, consider opening your own account! Click the banner above!

Build traffic with Stumble Upon

Stumble Upon is a nifty website that I happened to stumble upon myself. I first saw it mentioned as an add-on to Firefox when I ventured to use that browser a while back. I never paid it much attention until I saw that it is recommended on several websites and blogs. DoshDosh had an excellent guide to increasing traffic using the site (click here for the DoshDosh post). I decided to give it a try. It has been great in the few days that I have been a member. Here's how it works.

First you need to create a free account at the website. Take some time to set up your profile as this will be the way that you are introducing yourself to a very large online community. Don't short cut this one! You will also get to decide what kind of web pages that you want to "stumble" (or discover). Next you will need to download the Stumble Upon toolbar. It is small and unobtrusive for me. If you do not like toolbars, there are alternatives for you on the site. Now you surf as usual. Different buttons allow you to mark a page as a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" and that influences what pages you will be shown as you press the "Stumble" button -- a feature that takes you to a random page within your specified topics. You can mark all of your pages, posts, or any page of interest as a "thumbs up" as well. One of the things I find especially awesome is when you are the first to mark a page as a "thumbs up". You are listed as the discoverer of the page! You can give any post on my blog the "thumbs up" (hopefully not down) and hopefully be the discoverer of the page! Just look for the button at the top of each post!

I could go on and on because I find new things that this toolbar does but the key thing we should all be interested in as it relates to building traffic are the "Network" button and the "Friends" button. They allow you to make those vital connections that your new blog or website so desperately need. The system will even suggest those you should add as friends or to your network. I was surprised at the immediate emails I got from a few people I added as friends.

This site is definately worth look. Check it out and let me know what you think. If you send me your review of the site, I will post them all under a new post title in my "Reader Reviews" section!

Taking a step back.

Every once in a while it is helpful to take a step back and see what it is you have in your blog as a whole package. Think about what it is you want to accomplish, who you want to reach, how you will reach them, and what it is you want to present to them. Of course there are some excellent sites and blogs that have worksheets and lists of questions to ask yourself when starting a blog or website, but they all seem to boil down to those basic questions.

When I began this blog I wanted to provide information about making money by writing blogs or designing websites. Initially I thought I'd just throw up some content from a free content provider, add some Google AdSense, and I would have money pouring in overnight. Boy was I wrong (and I hear many readers laughing as they read this). The more research I did online, the more I became lost in a haze of blogs and sites that suggested different strategies. I kept getting drawn to a few specific ones and have tried many affiliate programs out in the meantime. Admittadly, I neglected this blog and my readers. For that I deeply appologize.

I have decided to take a step back and reorganize my whole approach to this blog, the website I am designing, and the information I am going to provide. In the next few days you will see this blog begin to reorganize itself (posts, format, categories, advertisements, etc.). I would appreciate honest feedback on your thoughts about this blog. I enjoy constructive criticism and will mention your feedback in my posts as I improve the blog. I think this would be an excellent service to the other "newbie" bloggers who are trying their hand at this!

And I am always up for link exchanges as well. One of the things I hope you notice immediately is link section I have added in the side bar. I will also be reviewing each site in a seperate post as well as listing them all in a post that will be updated with all of the links and short review. Email me if you would like to be included on the list!

Thanks to everyone who has given me pointers so far and here's to an improved future!

Apr 6, 2007

PayPerPost pays bloggers & advertisers cash!

I ran across a few weeks ago and find it possible great source of money. After registering and submitting your blog for approval, you can search through a database of offers -- currently above seventy! These offers are being made by advertisers who want to pay you to post either a link or article in your blog about them. Different advertisers have different requirements. Pay close attention to what is being asked of you. For instance, I had someone email me the other day and offer a year long link (he did not contact me through this site). Immediately I was so happy I said yes but had to rescind the offer once I found out it was auto insurance in the UK. Take your time and browse the database of offers carefully when you join Other incentives exists for advertisers and affiliates!

Make money with ChaCha: Agent!

So, you've thought about working as a paid guide for Maybe you decided it wasn't the type of thing you would like to do (of course you tried a few searches with a guide first -- how else would you know what a guide did). Your friends have kept no secrets when it comes to the serious money they are pulling in being a guide for . Now is your chance to cash in with ChaCha: Agent.

ChaCha: Agent is a promotion designed to turn people on to the whole ChaCha experience. At first the program required you to ask others to download a toolbar. Who wanted that? My browser is already too full. But the ChaCha gods smiled upon us and now each Agent is given a web page with four options to encourage users to try ChaCha -- and you DON'T have to be a guide to participate and earn! You can check out my page here (please). Once you get visitors to that page and have them perform only twenty searches using one of the options, you get $1. Get fifty of your people to do that... you get paid $100 payable by the end of April. And there is more... $250 to the top Agent!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up to be an Agent here.
But first... please perform twenty quick searches for me (hey, I'll beg -- I do live in post-Katrina New Orleans... so click here and search PLEASE... thanks)! You guys rock!

Sampa makes your site simply fun!

While browsing the internet today in an attempt to find an easy-to-use website that would build my e-commerce store, I stumbled upon Sampa allows everyone to build a great looking site in minimal time. This site is perfect for beginners. For those with a bit more experience, you can customize each page to your liking. All websites are hosted for free by Sampa. In exchange a small toolbar is placed at the top of the website. Even if you do not end up using the site, I highly recommend Sampa for those who are just getting started building webpages or blogs. The interface relies on simple drag-and-drop proceedures and some great looking templates. The features available are exciting (like the ability to allow users to sign-up and log-in to an account). This page is definately worth the time!

Apr 5, 2007

Get Paid to Review Blogs

Here is a nifty little pay-to-post program I found at In addition to the regular offers that a blogger can receive to review products or websites, there is an awesome "affiliate" type program. By simply adding a bit of code to each post, bloggers generate a nice looking button (like mine below) which invites readers to review the blog. Once the reader signs up with the site (which is free), they are given the opportunity to write a review for $7.50. You receive $7.50 and thousands (hopefully) of links back to your blog. It is definately worth checking out! Why not try it now and review my blog?

Credit card processing for all purposes!

So you've finally got your website designed and ready to go live. You have invested hours of research, coding, and pulling your hair out. What did you forget? Credit card processing. Sure you could use one of those free sites or something similar, but those can be a real turnoff for customers who simply want to shop and pay. They don't want to be bothered with having to sign up for an account or be routed to an outside source for payment. Enter Advantage Processors!

Advantage Processors, Credit Card Processing, and Merchant Account Services is your place to get low-cost online accounts for both low-risk and high-risk merchants. Don't know which category you fall into? Don't worry because Advantage Processors will help you out! They have an extremely knowledgeable sales team standing by to help you find the best rates and services. Check them out by clicking on any of the links in this post. You are bound to get great, friendly help to fit any size online business venture!